Eliwell Ewpc 901 T Manual

MANUAL DEFROST CYCLE ACTIVATION To manually activate the defrost cycle, hold down the key for 5 seconds. If the defrost conditions are not satisfied: - the parameter OdO ≠ 0 (EWPlus 902/961/971/974) - the evaporator probe Pb2 temperature is higher than the defrost end temperature (EWPlus 971/974). ELIWELL electronic temperature controls. All are made in Italy: MODEL EWTM 101: Simpliest design offers the possibility of displaying temperature with high accuracy. MODEL EWPC 901: Simpliest design to monitor temperature changes.

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Eliwell ewpc 901 t manual english
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EWPC 907temperature controller with dual outputGENERAL DESCRIPTIONsetting, push the “SET” plus the “UP” (orThe EWPC 907 is a temperature controller “DOWN”).with dual output, acting either indepen- The system will automatically return to itsdently or dependently (2-stage); the prima- normal operating mode a few seconds af-WHAT IT ISry output provides field selectable ON/OFF, ter the programming procedure is com-The EWPC 907 is a temperature PD or PID and SOFT START control. pleted or interrupted.controller with dual output, acting The front keypad of these controllers offersDESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERSeither independently or dependently several alpha-numeric menu prompts to(2-stage); the primary output pro- configure the controller for each specific Any parameter which does not apply to avides field selectable ON/OFF, PD application (see further). particular instrument version or configura-or PID and SOFT START control. The EWPC 907 is supplied in the popular tion is automatically removed from the pro-“32x74” ELIWELL housing. gramming menu.E.g.: a control for Thermocouple input willFRONT KEYPADnot offer parameters “Lci” and “Hci”.HOW IT IS MADESET: pushed once the setpoint 1 value will d1: differential 1.• Housing: black ABS plastic, au- be displayed for 3 seconds (Led “I” blinks). Activated only in ON/OFF control mode.toestinguish. Pushed once again within 3 seconds the Must be set with negative (-) value for heat-• Dimensions: front 74x32 mm setpoint 2 value will be displayed (Led “II” ing applications. (2.913x1.260'), depth 67 mm blinks). The setpoint can be changed with d2: differential 2.(2.637') the “UP” or “DOWN” button. The switching differential (hysteresis) set-• Mounting: flush panel mount with UP: used to increase the setpoint value, as point 2 must be set with positive valuemounting bracket well as the parameter when in program- (make on rise) or with negative value (make• Protection: the instrument front- ming. When held down for a few seconds, on fall). See parameter “HC2”.panel is waterproof IP65; an op- the change rate accelerates. LS1: Lower Set (limit) 1.tional snap-on cover can be DOWN: used to decrease the setpoint val- This is the lower limit below which the usersupplied to provide additional pro- ue, as well as the parameter when in pro- cannot change the setpoint 1; normally settection of the rear terminal block gramming. When held down for a few at the lowest value recommended for the• Connections: screw terminal seconds, the change rate accelerates. sensor.2block (2.5 mm ; one wire each ter- Led “I”: status light of output 1. LS2: Lower Set (limit) 2.minal only, in compliance with Blinks when in setpoint 1 display/change This is the lower limit below which the userVDE norms) mode or during programming. cannot change the setpoint 2; normally set• Display: 12.5 mm LED (0.50'). Led “II”: status light of output 2. at the lowest value recommended for the• Push buttons: located on front Blinks when in setpoint 2 display/change sensor.panel. mode. HS1: Higher Set (limit) 1.• Outputs: two (2) SPST relays 8(3)A Similar to “LS1”, however setting an upper250V AC PARAMETER PROGRAMMING limit for the setpoint 1.• Auxiliary output: 12 Vdc/60 mA Programming is easily accessed by hold- HS2: Higher Set (limit) 2.(for transducer power supply, e.g. ing the “SET” button down for more than 4 Similar to “LS2”, however setting an upperhumidity sensor, pressure trans- seconds; the first parameter is displayed limit for the setpoint 2.ducer, etc.) while the status light Led “I” remains blink- Pb: Proportional band.• Inputs (depending on model): ing during the programming period. This value, expressed in degrees, deter-PTC / RTD (Ni100, Pt100) / Other parameters are accessed with the mines the band-width around the setpointTC (J, K) / 4…20 mA (Ri = 41 Ω) “UP” and “DOWN” button. With the “SET” within which the instrument provides pro-• Resolution: 1 °C (°F) or 0.1 °C (°F). button, the actual setting of each parame- portional control. See also “PROPOR-The right-most digit can also be ter is displayed. To change a parameter TIONAL CONTROL”.set to read-out in 0 or 5 only, or inall 10 digits• Accuracy: better than 0,5% of fullscale• Power supply (depending on mod-el): 12 Vac/dc or 24 Vac/dcDEFAULT SETTINGS - STANDARD MODELS of “0” disables this function.dSt: dynamic Set time.Parameter Description Range Default UnitTime value between two successive dy-d1 differential 1 –1 / min –1 °C / °Fnamic setpoint increases.Lci: Lower current input.d2 differential 2 min / max 1 (C) / –1 (H) °C / °FRead-out corresponding to the “low endLS1 Lower Set limit 1 min / max min °C / °Fscale” input signal of 4 mA; only for mod-LS2 Lower Set limit 2 min / max min °C / °F els with current input.Hci: Higher current input. HS1 Higher Set limit 1 min / max max °C / °FRead-out corresponding to the “high endHS2 Higher Set limit 2 min / max max °C / °Fscale” of 20 mA; only for models with cur-Pb Proportional band 0.1 (1) / max 40 °C / °F rent input.CAL: CALibration.It Integral time 0 / 999 300 secondsThis offers an adjustment up or down ofdt derivative time 0 / 999 50 secondsthe read-out, if needed. Factory set at “0”.Ft: Function type. Sr Sampling rate 1 / 10 3 secondsControl mode selection (only for output 1;rSt manual reSet min / max 0 °C / °Foutput 2 is always ON/OFF).Ar Anti reset wind-up band 0 / max 20 °C / °Fon = ON/OFF;nr = not applicable;od output delay 0 / 500 0 secondsPi = PID.Ct Cycle time 1 / 500 25 secondsPSE: Probe SElection.drb dynamic restart band 0 / max 20 °C / °FInput type (for RTD or Thermocouplesonly).dSi dynamic Set increment 0 / max 10 °C / °FRTD models: Ni = Ni100; Pt = Pt100.dSt dynamic Set time 1 / 999 120 secondsT/C models: Fe = TcJ; Cr = TcK.Lci Lower current input min / max min °C / °FOCO: Output COnnection.Setpoint dependency.Hci Higher current input min / max max °C / °Fdi = setpoint 2 dependent on setpoint 1CAL CALibration min / max 0 °C / °F(for 2-stage control;Ft Function type on / Pi Pi flagin = setpoint 2 independent from setpoint1.PSE Probe SElection Ni / Pt / Fe / Cr / /HC2: Heating / Cooling (output) 2.OCO Output COnnection di / in in flagRelay switch function output 2.HC2 Heating / Cooling output 2 H / C H flagH = Heating;C = Cooling.rP1 relay Protection 1 ro / rc ro flagrP1: relay Protection 1. rP2 relay Protection 2 ro / rc ro flagDetermines the status of the relay in caseLF1 Led Function 1 di / in di flagof sensor defect. Factory set at “ro”.ro = relay open; rc = relay closedLF2 Led Function 2 di / in di flagrP2: relay Protection 2.dP decimal Point on / oF oF flagSame as “rP1”.hdd half digit display n / y n flag LF1: Led Function 1. Determines whether the status light is ONtAb tAble of parameters / / /or OFF in relation to output 1. di = direct = light ON when output 1 is en-It: Integral time. This is the half-band (on either side of the ergized;The higher this setting, the “smoother” the setpoint) in which the integral action takes in = reverse = light OFF when output 1 isintegral action. A setting of “0” completely place. The higher this setting, the stronger energized.eliminates the integral function and the integral action. Recommended initial LF2: Led Function 2. changes the controller from PID to PD setting: half of the value of parameter “Pb”. Same as “LF1”.(output 1). See also “PROPORTIONAL od: output delay. dP: decimal Point.CONTROL”. This provides a delay selection for the out- Choose whether the resolution is requireddt: derivative time. puts in applications where noise may with or without decimal point.The effect of the derivative action is in di- cause brief erroneous signals from the oF = without decimal point;rect proportion to this time setting. sensor to the controller. Factory set at “0”. on = with decimal point.See also “PROPORTIONAL CONTROL”. Ct: Cycle time. NOTES: (a) the decimal point of modelsSr: Sampling rate. This is the total time of one ONOFF cycle with current or voltage input is shifted: theTime between two successive read-outs, of the relay during the proportional action. actual value of parameters “Lci” and “Hci”for the computation of the derivative. A low See “PROPORTIONAL CONTROL”. must be multiplied by 10; (b) on all ver-setting increases the response time, but drb: dynamic restart band. sions, if a unit is changed from withoutalso the sensitivity to noise. This is a “soft start” function; when the decimal point to with decimal point, all pa-Recommended setting is from 1 to 3. temperature goes beyond this “restart rameter values expressed in degrees willrSt: manual reSet. band” (on either side of the setpoint), an- automatically be divided by 10, includingThis allows the proportional band to be other soft start cycle is initiated. The value the setpoint (c) the decimal point selectionmoved up or down. This parameter is ex- of this parameter represents half of the to- is not available on models for thermocou-pressed in degrees and must be set at a tal band; see also “SOFT START”. ple input.value opposite and corresponding to the dSi: dynamic Set increment. hdd: half digit display.noticed error. This represents the dynamic increase of The right-most digit can be set to read-outAr: Anti-reset wind-up band. the setpoint; see “SOFT START”. A setting in 0 or 5 only, or in all 10 digits.EWPC 907 7/2000 ing 2CONNECTIONS and fasten with the U-bracket suppliedwith the unit.The ambient temperature around the in-strument should be kept between –5 and65 °C (23…149 °F). Select a location which will not be subject8 9 10 8 9 10 8 9 10EWPC 907to high humidity or condensation and allowsome ventilation to provide cooling to theinstrument.PTC Pt100 / Ni100 Pt100 / Ni1003 wires 2 wiresELECTRICAL WIRING1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10The instrument is equipped with an internal8 9 10 8 9 10 8 9 10screw terminal block suitable for max22.5 mm wiring (one wire each terminal+ –load 1 load 2only, in compliance with VDE norms).TcJ / TcK EWHS 31 4…20 mA inputMake sure that the power supply corre-sponds with the rating shown on the in-POWER SUPPLYstrument, i.e. 12 Vac/dc or 24 Vac/dc.Refer to the instrument label for the applic-able terminals to be used for the sensorcable; separate the wiring of the input sig-hdd = n : e.g. 070, 071, 072 etc. (if with- culation of the deviation values. nals from those of the power supply andout decimal point) or 70.0, 70.1, 70.2 etc. As a result: switched output wiring.(if with decimal point); a) an increase in the proportional band The relay output contacts are voltage freehdd = y : e.g. 070, 075, 080, etc. (if with- width reduces the temperature swing, but and independent; do not exceed the resis-out decimal point) or 70.0, 70.5, 71,0, etc. increases the shift in stable system tem- tive rating of 8 Amp at 250 Vac. For larger(if with decimal point). perature; loads, please use an external contactor ortAb: tAble of parameters. b) an excessive reduction of the propor- relay.This shows the configuration of the para- tional band width reduces deviation, butERROR ANNOUNCIATIONmeters as set in the factory; can not be will also make the system less stable; modified (for factory identification and di- c) an increase in the derivative time re- Any sensor input defect will be displayedagnostic purposes only). duces temperature swings when the sys- as follows: “---” in case of shorted sensor;tem has become stable, but may cause “EEE” in case of sensor break, or sensorPROPORTIONAL CONTROL wider temperature swings and increased absence. The “EEE” error message alsoIn the event that the factory set parameter deviation from setpoint; appears in the event of ovverrange or un-values in a PID temperature controller do d) an increase in the integral time reduces derrange of the system temperature.not give optimum results, the following the deviation between setpoint and system It is recommended to doublecheck thesteps may be followed to enhance the op- value when system has become stable; sensor wiring before diagnosing a probeeration for each specific application: e) a weak integral action always has a tem- as defective.» set the controller for ON/OFF control perature deviation which, in general, canmode with parameter “Ft” (Ft = “on”); be eliminated by reducing the proportional TECHNICAL DATA» select a value for setpoint 1 which will band width and by increasing first of all the Housing: black ABS plastic, autoestin-keep the temperature swing within accept- derivative action, then the integral action. guish.able limits, for example 10% below the Dimensions: front 74x32 mmSOFT START (RAMP-TO-SETPOINT)normal operating temperature; (2.913x1.260'), depth 67 mm (2.637').» set the switching differential (“d1”) at 3% The SOFT START feature is available on Mounting: flush panel mount with mount-of the setpoint 1 temperature; output 1 only. ing bracket.» start the system and wait for the temper- This function provides automatically a pro- Protection: the instrument frontpanel isature swings to become constant; gressive (ramped) increase of the setpoint waterproof IP65; an optional snap-on cov-» check the process temperature (use a value starting from the value of Ta (ambient er can be supplied to provide additionaldata recorder if possible) at regular inter- temperature at start-up) up to the actually protection of the rear terminal block.vals; determine the time between two suc- selected setpoint temperature (see dia- Connections: screw terminal block2cessive temperature peaks (Tu) as well as gram on the right), thus eliminating any (2.5mm ; one wire each terminal only, inthe total temperature swing (dT; see dia- possible temperature “overshooting”. compliance with VDE norms).gram on the right). The following parameters determine this Display: 12.5 mm LED (0.50').Parameters “Pb”, “It”, “dt” and “Ct” can function: Push buttons: located on front panel.now be calculated as follows: - “drb”, half of the band width around set- Data storage: non-volatile EEPROM“Pb”=2xdT ; “It”=Tu/2 ; “dt”=Tu/8 ; point, outside of which the ramping of the memory.“Ct”=Tu/20. control point takes place; Operating temperature: –5…65 °C;Additional fine tuning of the above para- - “dSt”, the time between two successive (23…149 °F).meters may be tried, keeping in mind how- control point increases (this time is ex- Storage temperature: –30…75 °C;ever the following: pressed in seconds); (–22…167 °F).the “Proportional action” activates the out- - “dSi”, the value, in degrees, of each con- Outputs: two (2) SPST relays 8(3)A 250Vput in direct proportion to the shift in stable trol point increase (a setting of “0” disables AC.system temperature ; this function). Auxiliary output: 12 Vdc/60 mA (forthe “Derivative action” effects the output transducer power supply, e.g. humidityINSTALLATIONdepending on the speed of temperature sensor, pressure transducer, etc.).change; The instrument is designed for flush panel Inputs (depending on model): PTC / RTDthe “Integral action” activates the output in mount. Prepare a 71x29 mm panel cut- (Ni100, Pt100) / Tc (J, K) / 4…20 mAproportion to the continuous integral cal- out; insert the instrument through the front (Ri = 41 Ω).3 EWPC 907 7/2000 ingwhitebluegndinput12 Vdc outResolution: 1 °C (°F) or 0.1 °C (°F). Theright-most digit can also be set to read-outin 0 or 5 only, or in all 10 digits. Accuracy: better than 0.5% of full scale.Power supply (depending on model):12 Vac/dc ±15% or 24 Vac/dc ±15%.DISCLAIMERThis manual and its contents remain thesole property of Invensys Climate Controlss.p.a., and shall not be reproduced or dis-tributed without authorization. Althoughgreat care has been exercised in thepreparation of this document, InvensysClimate Controls s.p.a., its employees orits vendors, cannot accept any liabilitywhatsoever connected with its use.Invensys Climate Controls s.p.a. reservesthe right to make any changes or improve-ments without prior notice.Invensys Climate Controls s.p.a.via dell'Industria, 15Zona Industriale Paludi32010 Pieve d'Alpago (BL)ITALYTelephone +39 0437 986111Facsimile +39 0437 986066Email eliwell@invensysclimate.comInternet http:/www.climate-eu.invensys.com7/2000 ingcod. 9FT40025EWPC 907 7/2000 ing 4