Fallout 76 T60 Mods

  • Excavator PA is a new addition to Fallout series, first appearing in Fallout 76. Its a prototype power armor that wasn’t mass produced before the great war. Designed for mining purposes, Excavator has some unique advantages for both carry weight and ore mining.
  • Oct 16, 2019 Some of mod plans can also be found for free from events, killing the queen, treasure maps, and maybe a world spawn here or there. The T60 also has the most in game non store paints at 7. All of which can only be acquired from the quest forbidden knowledge, or bought from other players.

Fallout 76 hasa variety of different armor mods, and in this article were gonna show you how you can get some armor mods for the X-01 Power armor and T-60 Power Armor. These mods can add various buffs for your survival that are great and even some jet pack mods but these are super rare to get. Here is a list for the different power armor mods and what they do for you.

X-01 Helmet Power Armor Mods

May 21, 2020 With the release of the Wastelanders DLC, Fallout 76 didn’t just get a fresh main quest-line but also an all-new end-game grind in the form of the Gold Bullion system. It’s not the hardest currency to farm, but it takes time, with a daily limit of 200 in exchange for Treasury Notes and a weekly limit of 300 for caps restricting maximum earnings to 1700 per week.

  • X-01 Internal Database -+2 Intelligence
  • X-01 Recon Sensors -Marks Enemies in compass after aiming at them for a few seconds
  • X-01 Sensor array -+2 Perception
  • X-01 VATS Matrix Overlay -Increases V.A.T.S. hit by 10%
  • X-01 Headlamp -Provides lighting that comes out of the power armor helmet
  • X-01 Headlamp Bright -Provides bright lighting that comes out of the power armor helmet
  • X-01 Headlamp Vault Boy -Provides a vault boy light that comes out of the power armor helmet
  • Targeting Hud -Visor Highlights living targets
  • X-01 Headlamp Red Tactical -Provides red lighting out of the power armor helmet
  • X-01 Headlamp Blue -Provides a blue light that comes out od the power armor helmet
  • X-01 Headlamp Purple -Provides purple lighting out of the power armor helmet

X-01 Torso Power Armor Mods

  • X-01 Jetpack -Grants ability of vertical flight at the cost of AP
  • X-01 Motion Assist Servos -+2 Strength
  • X-01 Medic Pump -Auto Injects stimpak when health drops below 50%
  • X-01 Kinetic Dynamo -Taking damage recharges action points
  • X-01 Core Assembly -Increases action points refresh speed
  • X-01 Blood Cleanser -Reduces the chance of addiction from drugs
  • X-01 Emergency Protocols -Increases speed by 25% and reduces damage received by 50% when health is below 20%
  • X-01 Reactive Plates -Reflects 50% of melee damage back to the attacker
  • X-01 Tesla Coil -Deals constant Energy Damage in a small area
  • X-01 Stealth Boy -Activates a stealth field while crouched

Mods At Fallout 76 Nexus - Mods And Community

X-01 Arms Power Armor Mods


Fallout 76 T60 Mods Location

  • X-01 Optimized Bracers -Reduced AP requirement for Power Attacks
  • X-01 Hydraulic Bracers -Increase Unarmed Damage
  • X-01 Tesla Bracers -Inflicts Energy Damage in unarmed combat
  • X-01 Rusty Knuckles -Unarmed attacks cause bleeding damage

X-01 Legs Power Armor Mods

  • X-01 Calibrated Shocks -+50 Carry weight
  • X-01 Explosive Vent-Increases damage radius for impact landing
  • X-01 Optimized Servos -Reduces Action Point cost for sprinting
  • X-01 Kinetic Servos -Increases Action Point refresh speed while moving
  • X-01 Overdrive Servos -Increases sprint speed at the cost of additional AP

These are all the different armor mods you can get for the X-01 Power Armor these are all purchased from a specific vendor. This vendor is MODUS Located in the WhiteSprings Bunker you will need access to the Military Wing Armory for these, The Rarest Power Armor mod is the JetPack Mod. This mod has taken player hours upon hours to obtain sometimes even 4 to 6 hours.

If you don’t want to spend al the exhausting time farming and or don’t have theFallout 76 Capsyou need in order to purchase this from the vendor feel free top try purchasing the item itself or caps fromF2FGoldatrustworthy in game currency seller. We always aim to achieve100% Customer Satisfactionand are100% Safe and offer quick and speedy deliveryfeel free if you have any questions or want to check us out go toF2FGold!!!!